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Program Stats

Total Affiliates  96

Total Paid Out

$ 3,248.43

Ads in rotation  107

Paid-To-Clicks  401

Members online: 2
Guests online: 3


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See Here! for details.

Become an affiliate

To begin the sign-up process we ask you to confirm your e-mail address. Enter your e-mail address in the field below and click the continue button. Shortly after, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, which requires you to click on a confirmation link. Clicking the link provided to you in your confirmation e-mail, will take you to our affiliate application. Complete the application and you will receive your "Welcome" e-mail.

You MUST use a free Gmail.com account
as most other email programs will bounce
your confirmation email! Thank you!

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Family of Sites













Owned by Kelly Herard, aka theherards6, Maine, United States

December 10 2016

Powered by Registered CashCrusader Affiliate Tracking Software.
Domain Online Since 15 October 2007

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Site Design by: Cathryn aka LadyMawwad : Header and banners by Carol aka buzzy028 | Hosted by: MadeRite Hosting