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old ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 20570

calendar ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 19518

show ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 19204

marino ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 19032

precious ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 18786

castle ap
The ad above is worth 0.01 cent(s)
Clicks received 18808

circle pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18514

kool pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18325

croc pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18269

after pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18212

aligator pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18123

pe4u pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18163

lucas pts ppp
The ad above is worth 10 point(s)
Clicks received 18214